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Billboard Single #1

And again, what does America enjoy listening for the 6th week in a row?

Yes, it's 'Flo-Rida feat. T-Pain - Low' topping the Billboard chart again.


Earl Purple said...

Ok, let me be the first to reply to your blog!.

Billboard used to be significant for me in my youth but I stopped following the US chart long ago. The US has very few physical singles and I'm not sure even downloads influence the chart much now so it is pretty much an airplay chart, i.e. the chart is totally manipulated by radio stations and no doubt by the big record companies that pay them to play their artists.

The US does have student radio stations that do play the kind of bands I like and they do have such bands there, but the chart is really irrelevant.

Much that I don't like a lot of what tops the UK chart, at least you know they are there on some merit in that more people bought it than any other that week.

Serge Freeman said...

Thank you EP, your comments are much appreciated! :)

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